Oondasta - Isle of Giants - WoW Patch 5.2 World Boss w/ Jenny

Hey dudes! Decided during my attempts to down Oondasta with the ever awesome Elvine to make a bit of a cinematic video to show you all. 🙂

We didn’t end up downing him before I had to go with Bajheera to the gym, so instead of another one of those ‘Kill Videos’ I wanted to show what it would be like if Oondasta won at the end of the day. 😀

Thanks all and I hope you enjoy!

Music Courtesy of:
Instrumental Core — Forever Lost in Time (Orchestral Bonus Track)

Hang out in Raidcall! 😀 — http://www.raidcall.com/go.php?sid=5126582
Get Gungho for 50% off and Free Shipping at http://www.gogungho.com/bajheera
Livestream Link — http://www.twitch.tv/bajheera


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43 thoughts on “Oondasta — Isle of Giants — WoW Patch 5.2 World Boss w/ Jenny

  1. No, dinosaurs were around before jurrasic park…. 0:42 wasnt around before avatar

  2. An amazing macro for the four world bosses now, -shows which ones youve done this week. thumbs up so everyone sees it.

    /run for k, v in pairs({ Galleon = 32098, Sha = 32099, Nalak = 32518, Oondasta = 32519}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "124cff00ff00Yes124r" or "124cffff0000No124r")) end

  3. Downed him the other day. If you aren't rocking some hardcore machine, turn settings down. It's rough.

  4. Pretty sure different types of pterodactyles were around before Avatar. To me, they remind me a lot of caulkicephalus or tupuxuara. There's one that looks more like it, but the name is escaping me right now. x_x;

  5. It's known as a "Pterrodactyl", you can google it. it was a living prehistorical creature. So neither is it from Avatar or Jurassic Park….

  6. nope 🙁 haha, he dropped just a bag with 30 gold in it, even though i spent over 300 gold in repairs.

  7. They've said publicly they've considered it for years but that it most likely will never happen simply because the effort scaling it up and re-itemizing (Blizz feels) is better spent on completely new content.

  8. my best character is a level 23 tauren hunter can anyone give me any tips on how to get farther into the game or leveling up

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