First Look #20: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction [PL]

Witam 🙂 First Look jest to luźna prezentacja z moich pierwszych wrażeń związanych z grą. Diablo to nie jest raczej gra, na którą normalnie zwróciłabym uwagę — nadchodzi jednak taki moment w życiu człowieka, że...

Hearthstone — The 30 Legendaries Deck (?)

IT’S FINALLY HERE. After untold amount of cards bought, TotalBiscuit has created the worst deck known to man, consisting of 28 legendaries and 2 Faceless Manipulators. Now he will take it to the ladder in...

Diablo II Lord of Destruction Unboxing (PC) ENGLISH

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Developer: Blizzard North Release Year: 2001 Genre: Action RPG Platform: PC Edition: US After the demonic brothers Diablo and Mephisto were finally defeated, the heroic adventurer who has accomplished...