The Most Annoying Deck in Hearthstone | Warlock | Wild Saviors of Uldum


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The whole point of this Reno Warlock is to play every card that might annoy the opponent. Reno restores all your health, Zephrys as a top deck is lots of fun for one out of two players and Voidlord is our all time favorite taunt minion on turn 4 🙂 I labeled the deck as Uninstall Warlock because it does not make your opponent happy


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Background Music & Outro: Lakey Inspired — Better Days

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#Hearthstone #Solem #Uldum


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34 thoughts on “The Most Annoying Deck in Hearthstone | Warlock | Wild Saviors of Uldum

  1. A deck full of cards that nobody like? Secret mage, big priest, odd paladin,… Make your choice

  2. disappointed chief inspector made the cut but not faceless manipulator 😛

  3. I think the most annoying cards in the game are the mage one's
    Iceblock, freeze stuff, counterspell, fire ball and the old quest.

  4. Лайк конечно поставил, на всякий случай, но ниче непонятно)) вроде и не комбу реализовывал) просто колоду показывал?👍

  5. další means next^^
    and is pronounced "Dalschie" (<< also deutsche Aussprache und so nen Dingskirchen)
    Vorausgesetzt es war wirklich Tschechisch.. Wobei kenne keine andere Sprache bei dem das "sch" "š" so geschrieben wird^^

  6. Alright Solem, you give enough cool decks and stuff for me to subscribe. I admit it, you’re cool.

  7. "Is it this one?" — shakes head — "Is it this one?" — *shrugs, kinda*.
    It's Obsidian Statue. The most broken card in the entire game.

  8. More try for pronanciation from Czech Republic. It is funny. Btw "další" means "next", or sometime "another one".

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