TROLL in Breckenridge Woods! 🌲🏔🌲 Isak Heartstone by Artist Thomas Dambo

Follow me into the woods to see the GIANT TROLL! I caught wind of this piece of high altitude art a few days ago and had to come up to see it. The artist is Thomas Dambo and the trolls name is Isak Heartstone.

This trail was super easy to hike, anyone including little kids can do it! It took about 15 minutes to find and if you like you can continue down the East Wellington Trail for a nice day hike after. But hurry, WINTER IS COMING!

Link to the trailhead:

You will need to walk past the horse stables and follow the road until you come to Wellington Trail. Take a LEFT and the troll is about 15 minutes from there!





ADVENTURE SPIRIT ONE· Born of the desire to get free.

Years ago, in my late 20’s, I realized I was on a destructive path. Most of my grown up life had been spent working extra hard for companies I was not interested in and partying extra hard to numb the pain of a meaningless existence. I was as destructive as possible towards myself out of sheer misery for what I understood as “life”.

I began to dream of a different life…one without pain. A life worth living. This initially drove me to seek adventure, travel excessively and spend a lot of money. All of my money to be exact. Ending in bankruptcy and emotional disaster, I finally committed to change. As I battled back and forth between my old life and the dream of a new life, I began to face my addictions one by one, slowly removing their power over me in order to be truly free.

It is in this journey of unwinding a lifetime of destructive thoughts, that I decided to start making videos about things that interested me. I have a desire to spread hope to others who are feeling as I did, wandering without purpose. I’m only just beginning, and I invite you to come along.

In this way, I created Adventure Spirit One. To me, it symbolizes a spaceship that I can enter at any time and transport myself to another land. One where freedom exists, dreams are real and I’m the pilot.

In Love & Peace,



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6 thoughts on “TROLL in Breckenridge Woods! 🌲🏔🌲 Isak Heartstone by Artist Thomas Dambo

  1. Thanks for the video, it looks too crowded. I think I'll wait a year until the media buzz dies down and then go check it out. 🙂

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