Heroes of the Storm | Lore of the Storm | The Butcher (Diablo Lore)

A new series taking a look at the story behind the heroes in Heroes of the Storm. We’ll be starting with the three being released in the Eternal conflict but if you have requests just let me know!

Luke Mancini: HotS Butcher, HotS Tyrael, HotS Diablo, HotS Azmodan (http://mr—jack.deviantart.com/)

Bernie Kang: Anu (http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bernie_Kang)

Jean-Baptiste Monge: Tathamet vs Anu (http://www.jbmonge.com/)

Mark Gibbons: Symbol of «The Dawn»

ratzgoblin: The World Stone (http://www.diablowiki.net/Ratzgoblin)

Peter Lee: High Heavens, Pandamonium Fortress (http://peterconcept.deviantart.com/)

Jayde Kim: Andariel (http://jaydekim.deviantart.com/)

István Dányi: Duriel (http://hunqwert.deviantart.com/)

ArtDoge: Mephisto (http://artdoge.deviantart.com/)

Ian McCaig: Lilith+ Inarius (http://iainmccaig.blogspot.co.uk/)

gameraddictions: Diablo heroes (http://gameraddictions.tumblr.com/)

unidcolor: Tyrael over water (http://unidcolor.deviantart.com/)

Britt: Diablo 1 Butcher (http://www.brittswork.com/p/creatures.html)

Chris Metzen: Albrecht (http://www.sonsofthestorm.com/gallery.php?artist=metzen)

YSK: The Butcher of Tristram (http://doneplay.deviantart.com/)

Phroilan Gardner: Fallen Shaman (http://phroilangardner.blogspot.co.uk/)

Grace Liu: Butcher speed paint (http://nightblue-art.deviantart.com/)

SeungHwan: Butcher 3D render (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/7054208/community-spotlight-ahh-fresh-meat-8-23-2012)

Brian Huang: Deckard Cane (http://www.huangstudio.com/)

Alex Horley: Diablo III Butcher (http://alexhorley.deviantart.com/)

Brom: The Skeleton King (http://www.bromart.com/)

Video Credits:
General Diablo 1 Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl5I5CUTqh4
Diablo 1 Butcher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e02G8y000WE


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