Introducing Millhouse's Menagerie!| Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #savjz


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23 thoughts on “Introducing Millhouse's Menagerie!| Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. If you were asked to describe a destiny, would you say it's…
    A) slim,
    B) grim, or
    C) dim?

    You can see how others answered at: 8:26.

  2. dude… go to a hairdresser — or ask a friend — or use a cutting machine. seriously.

  3. For those who are saying :" Savjz is back"
    I would know…back from where? He never went anywhere

  4. How can you play this game so much and still make that many misplays/mispositionings .. ?

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