Warrior has a 42% win rate and I am here to fix this situation!
Deck Code: AAECAQcC47QDxcADDhydApAD9KcD3KkD2K0D2q0D/q4Dqq8D0q8DpLYDq7YDvLkDnLsDAA==
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‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com
That was the saddest victory I've ever seen for a while haha, never change Trump!
12:20 Trump not playing the 2 taskmasters is a sin
14:42 I imagine his opponent saying "this card is so good we're gonna run 2 of it, in HIGHLANDER, welcome to Trump laboratories"
Freezing anything the turn after it was played is the same as freezing it.
24:00 I love how all his confidence inmediatelly dissapears
From king in the boomsday expansion to the worst class right now, my poor warrior what did they do to you?!
I hope they nerf zephyrs to say the following: if your deck had 1 of copies when you started the game discover the perfect card, because is just ridiculous how players put a copy of him even when not singleton decks. Also cards like this are bad for the game.
Theres a typo in the thumbnail
Man I miss RoS rogue Shark, when it actually took skill to draw half your deck and make them 0. Now galakrond plebs do it every other game and think it's so skillful and cool. Nah shuffle 10 toggwaggles into your deck and chain them off of one wondours wand and then we will talk about skills and cool.
Warrior 2020
Kinda weird that Trump tries so hard to differentiate himself from Donald, but then you see a thumbnail like this.
Wow that hat in the thumbnail is so controversial… Warrior does not need to be great AGAIN.. it currently is great xD
No town crier, no acolyte of pain. Just play wild 🙂
Has Imprisoned Ganarg in thumbnail. Never actually plays it.
I searched for "trump great again" and ended up here…
Wouldn't Maiev actually be better than 2 turn freeze? Wouldn't it almost be like 3 turn because if the minion doesn't have rush then they would need to wait a turn to attack, because the summoning sickness would kick in, right?
0:05 Demon Hunter just on #6? That cant be true!
I'm 70% wr with my taunt warrior
0:43 hiccup is that you?
Confirmed trump is a dragon
We need to build a wall 👌
Stop needing fucking forever for your turn ffs
look… how they massacred my boy. sobs
Wow 2 new cards… what a new deck!!!
Neofascistic slogans aren't a funny joke for a title, my man.
I can't believe they didn't give Warrior more value control cards while classes such as Priest and Rogue are overloaded on value at the moment… FeelsBadMan
16:43 when the moment of realization kicks in
I miss Town Crier!!