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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #savjz
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0:22 Skipperino savjzerino
Hey Savjz! You’re a cool dude. Thanks for all the entertainment! 🙂
That last battle was fierce… poor murloc
Cool channel TgCe
He froze at 9:08 but then the board was completely different units at 9:58 what the hell?
The fight against Yogg at 12:37 was so unlucky holy mackerel, he would have been tilted if he was paying attention. Get yogged!
what was that Hyup at 7:44
that thumbnail face! 10/10
cool video mate
While you were looking for holy mackerel you skipped a poison murloc — was that deliberate? If you were set on picking up a mackerel wouldn’t it make sense to buy the poison if you saw it?
3:31 wouldnt it be better to took menegeri and buy rat and buff 2-2 rat and dragon?
Vash should read get a "level up" when you tavern up, and the "level up" spell should read "transform the minions in the tavern to random minions one level higher, up to [2/3/4/5/6]" depending on when you got the spell.
I really enjoy your YT content, but you have to ease up on the complaining. I'm 6 minutes in and you spent that 6 minutes complaining. It's annoying. You're a good player, and you're right. But you don't need to drag it on that long.
I dont like that he doesn't suggest changes to make. Just whining. Yeah vashj is bad but how would you even change it? Just remove from game?
Was wondering: would a vashj build on tier 1 be possible with a saurus and wrath weaver. And when you are strong enough, you level and freeze only so in the end, you only get tier 6 minions
He left the Murloc in the last fight because you were looking for it. 🙁
About balancing: Savjz says he doesn't mind them releasing bad heroes as long as they balance them after the stats show they are bad and I agree, because…
These heroes are so bad that even a single playthrough already shows you that they are terrible. It's not like Dancing Derryl which has a bit of a complex hero-power that requires some figuring out before people realize how to use him properly, they are just bad… Bebe posted a vid today of his first game playing Maiev and you can see him realize after just 5 or 6 turns that Maiev's hero-power is really bad.
Now, if Bebe realizes this after just 5 turns, how the hell can developers claim that they playtest things??? The same goes for constructed, how can they claim that they actually do playtest when they release the Demon Hunter in the ridiculously OP state that was released in?? They can't, the idea that they playtest anything is laughable… They just throw some card ideas together, test whether the mechanics and animations work and release it…
Blizzard isn't alone in this though, this happens to all developers of games. I recently started playing D&D 5th edition, I read the different class specializations and immediately see that some are just plain worse then others and I didn't even know the rules for D&D 5e by heart yet! Whenever a new codex for Warhammer 40K (or in the past armybook for Warhammer Fantasy) is released any player with a bit of experience can read it and immediately tell you whether the book is strong or weak and which units are good and which are bad choices. Sure, sometimes some unit turns out to be slightly better then expected, but on the whole you can just assess the powerlevel by reading the books.
Companies don't care about balance, because, while players think they do if you are honest about it, they don't… D&D class balance is not great, but people love 5th edition. Warhammer balance has been shit for decades, but people still play it. HS constructed and BG balance is shit, but it is still massively popular… And when a company spends a little bit of time to balance stuff after players test their game by releasing patches or selling you books with rules/points changes then they are lauded for their great community support…
TLDR: Why would a gaming company ever focus on balance upon releasing anything? It costs money to playtest, the players don't care enough to stop playing and the companies are rewarded with good PR for just using their players as playtesters… So, it is really disrespectful of Blizzard to sell season passes with the promise of more content and then not take the little bit of time necessary to use the data of your playtesters to develop a patch for BG's, but will it make people stop playing??
The other day i said that you got horrible playing skills, but after viewing this video I need to correct myself, you also dont know anything about the game, 90% of the facts that you said here were wrong. And what the hell was that play at 06:05??? buy the pogo to sell it again like if you had a Kalecgos???? get another job dude
9:53 Reno saving that hero power for next game
i think vashj could be good if the upgraded units are all on the tavern level you upgrade to. so if you go to 5 the units will all be 5 stars. this way you can play her a bit like alexstrasza with fast leveling to get good units and build a comp around them
Hey Savjz. What would you think about special 6 star units that could only be obtained by getting a golden 6 star unit. I'm not sure how the units would be, but it's an idea.
Unfortunately, I think Savjz is underestimating just how stupid Activision-Blizzard is right now.
Man, that Yogg at the end was a real simp.
I'll see myself out
Doing new things is for skilled players not casuals who pretend to know what they are doing
When will Blizz card designers learn that they shouldn't give minions the ability to regain divine shield?