Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Amalgadon leads the way into the new all powerful Menagerie build!
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Amalgadon build is just Murlocs build in disguise
Cannon. Such a "fun and interactive" card….
If he got golden amalgdon that could have been 84 adapt
With the ammount of tidehunters you skipped while having a triple brann, pretty sure forcing murlocs would have been the right choice, and this time you chose not to
What, you play Murlocs enough to know that the version of them that could've won against you doesn't happen on Turn 15.
Galactic Murlocs don't happen on Turn 15, they can happen way sooner as seen in many of your videos lmao.
11:32 didnt know they added weasel into bg
kripp does not go afk in this video
Really strong… When you get a triple Brann
"Oh look we have a great new Menagerie card"
3 days later …. everyone just plays Murlocs with Amalgadon
If Amalgadon has every type, shouldn't it be missing in every game because of the type ban…? =/
Amalgadon is nothing without the Battlemaster's guidance
misplay sauna
I do quite like that there's a dedicated menagerie tavern 6 card now.
shouldnt we call it amalga chad
Kripp: " I think the right play is to go…"
Kripp: …Murlocs
Me: NOOO!!!!!!
It’s my time to shine. With Kripp’s idea to pick two of me up, I was able to carry the game.
Please note that in 3 out of 4 of kripps last videos he got a triple brann and in all 4 he got at least two branns
So if your ever wondering why you can’t find a brann now you know why
doesn't hurt how lucky you got on those triples
Amalgafon is just a 1 more murlok for murlok build!
Blizzard gonna nerf it to "everything EXEPT MURLOK"
He missed so many foe reapers and mech buffs, his mech cleave could have been three times bigger than that hydra
cripparian here
14:27 You must be high as f*ck!
Kripp wins a 5% and says nothing about it then has one of the luckiest turns ever
15:30 — "haven't got a single buff"
Except you locked annoy module and skipped over replicating menace
No joke. Except you could've went murlocks and be even more OP.
Gotta buy those +1+1 demon buffers. Mega worth. 1 gold for +18 total in stats.
nicerino haircuterino
Finally a non murloc poison divine shield build XD
Kangor wouldve rezzed the amalgadons….
To solve the murloc problem would we not have a 5 star card that can silence 2 enemy minions. The golden could silence 3
C'mon Kripp, you started tripling minions at like turn two and didn't stop. It wasn't the build it was rolling the nuts.
Golden amalgadon with golden bran how many times would he eve adapt 😂